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February 4, 2012


After a pause, I continue to look at individual socres from the 5-point match.

Several sources (repeated from prior post)

** Mochy's lectures (see
Kit Woolsey's article (see,
** Stick Rice's articles on Gammon Village (


From Leader's POV

Goal: Win 2 points

When to double
RACE: a bit later than money
BLITZ: never

From Trailer's POV

Goal: Win 4 points

When to double
RACE: a bit later than money

Trailer doubles very very early with some gammon threat.  If he wins opening roll with 31P, then next roll is a cube already.

Kit Woolsey

1.       With no gammons (a race), leader can take lower, down to 20%. Therefore, trailer should double a race lead a bit later than for money.

2.       Trailer has 100% gammon value.  Trailer has very fast double with even a moderate gammon threat.  Trailer must ensure that if wins a gammon it is with the cube on 2!!

3.       Leader has a very fast pass if gammonish position

4.       Basic strategy.  Leader should strive for gammon-free position while trailer seeks gammonish position.

Neil Kaz Rule of 80.  Leader should drop if Trailer Plain Wins + Trailer Gammon Wins > 80%

Stick Rice

Stick wrote two Gammon Village articles.  One from the Trailer's perspective and one from the Leaders.  My notes follow.



1.      Basic Strategy: Trailer wants to win a gammon to win the match.

2.      Once the Trailer doubles …

a.       leader holds a dead cube, so game must be played to conclusion

b.      leader’s gammons are killed (GV=0)

c.       trailer gammon value is massive (GV=1.0)

3.      Leader’s raw takepoint is 20%.  So leader can take a bit deeper in a gammonless game (ie race or holding game)

4.      Leader should use Neil’s Rule of 80% for take decision.

a.       Take if opponent’s (Plain wins) + (gammon wins)  < 80%

5.      Estimating Gammons

a.       13.5% from opening position

b.      19% after you play 62$ and opponent misses with a 6X

                                                              i.      i.e., You own the 5-point and your opponent doesn’t, that’s huge.

Early Cube Examples

Basically, when in doubt, cube! 

As stick reminds us …

“A lot of people wouldn't dream of doubling what is a money beaver but it turns out this is a borderline cube. You have to remember what cubing does. First off, it increases your gammon value from slightly less than money clear up to the gammon go value of 1. It also kills your opponent's gammons which is a key factor. Your opponent will now hold a dead cube and you can continue down your aggressive path towards winning a doubled gammon and snatching the match out from under their nose.”

1.      31P-54-C?  Double / Take

2.      Trailer wins opening roll.  42P-42P-43D-61P-C? Double / Take

3.      Trailer wins opening roll.  52D-43D-11N-64P-C?  Double / Pass, equity 1.22

4.      62$-63R-C?  Double / Take

Opening Rolls:

Basically play like its gammon go.  Always Slot or pull Two Down.

1.      21. 

a.       Slot 13/11, 6/5 best.

b.      Split 24/23, 13/11 blunder .065

2.      41

a.       Slot 13/11, 6/5 best

b.      Split 24/23, 13/9 small error .018

3.      51

a.       Slot 13/11, 6/5 best

b.      Split 24/23, 13/8 medium error .031

4.      32

a.       Down 13/11, 13/10 best

b.      Split 24/21, 13/11 near blunder .057

5.      52

a.       Down 13/11, 13/8 best

b.      Split 24/22, 13/8 small error .011

6.      62

a.       Slot 13/5 best

b.      Split 24/18, 13/11 small error .017

7.      43

a.       Down 13/10, 13/9 best

b.      Reverse Split 24/21, 13/9 medium error .046

8.      54

a.       Down 13/9, 13/8 best

b.      Split 24/20, 13/8 small error .023

9.      64

a.       Point 8/2, 6/2 best

b.      Split 24/18, 13/9 medium error .032

Reply Rolls

Same theme.  Play aggressive for the gammon even when you lose the opening rolls.  Note that many of the standard money replies are wrong ATS.

1.      31P-22

a.       Near 13/11(2), 6/4(2) best

b.      Cross 24/22(2), 6/4(2) medium error .04

2.      53P-33

a.       Attack 8/5(2), 6/3(2) nest

b.      Both 24/21(2), 13/10(2) blunder .132

3.      51S-21

a.       Slot 13/11, 6/5 best

b.      Up 24/21 medium error .048

4.      Note some reply rolls which are close for money become a no-brainer at this score.

a.       Example.42P-43?  Don’t split, pull two down 13/10, 13/9

b.      Example.  31P-11.  Near 8/7(2), 6/5(2) is obvious to go for the G’s

c.       Example.  53P-21.  Slot 13/11, 6/5 once again

Late Game Cubes

1.      Recall the leader takepoint is 20%, deeper than for money.

2.      Therefore, you double a race later than for money.

3.      Stick’s rule of thumb is to double 1 pip later than for money.



1.      Basic Strategy:

a.       Leader wants nongammonish positions such as holding games with an advanced anchor.

b.      Leader plays as if gammon save since Trailer will cube early and a gammon then wins the match for trailer.

c.       Leader rarely doubles until late in the game  Typically leader tries to play for undoubled gammon rather than cube and put the match on the line.  Trailers take point is about 18%

2.      Once the Trailer doubles …

Opening Rolls

Play like it’s gammon save!

1.      Aces.  Split except slotting on 21 is OK.

a.       21.

                                                              i.      Slot 13/11, 6/5 or Split 24/23, 13/11 are tied.

                                                            ii.      Stick explains that even though we want to split to advanced anchor, 21 is the worst racing number and unstacking the two heavy points, slotting the best point and holding the 24 point anchor comes out slightly ahead.

b.      41 and 51

                                                              i.      Split is way right and slotting way wrong.

2.      Split or Two Down.  Generally split to try and anchor.  Priming is wrong strategy.

a.       52.  Split

b.      32.  Split

c.       43.  Any split is OK.  Two Down wrong concept.

d.      54.  Split

3.      Split or Run

a.       62. Split.  Stay and hope to anchor

b.      63. Split and hope to anchor. 

c.       64. Split and Run are tied. But making 2-point is terrible (wrong concept)

Reply Rolls

1.      XX-22. 

a.       If you can’t anything, advance the anchor 24/20(2)!!  Reason is to reduce gammon losses, which also takes the punch out of the trailers cubes.

2.      63S-33.

a.       24/21(2), 13/10(2)  Cutting down the gammon losses is the most important factor.  Anchoring wins less but cuts down the gammon losses.

3.      53P-62.

a.       Slot 13/5 is best.  Stick explains opponent is cubing next roll so you want the security of the ace anchor since you are outboarded, to cut down on gammon losses.

Neil Kaz’s Rule of 80

Leader should use Neil Kaz’s rule of 80 to evaluate take decisions.

If Opponent Wins + Gammon Wins < 80% Take.

Otherwise Drop.

When to Double as Leader

High Anchor Holding Game. 

You need better than money to double since trailer takepoint is a lower 18%.  He gives example of 5 point game where you are up 25 pips and have the bar point made.  This would be double/drop for money but double/take at 2a 4a.

Low Anchor Games

Ace and Deuce games are huge money drops but a tough call at 2a 4a.  Give the opponent a chance to make a mistake by doubling!

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